Date/日期: 2020.01.03
Time/時間: 19:30 (Hare off/兔子起跑)
Hare(s)/兔子: Strip me please / Puke Bull
Place/地點: 新漁伙海鮮
No. 15-3, Wen 21st St., Guishan Dist., Taoyuan City 333
550 m to Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Hospital Bus station
550 公尺到林口長庚醫院公車站
750 m to Linkou Station (A9)
750 公尺到林口站 (A9)
1 km to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Station (A8)
一公里到長庚醫院站 (A8)
1. NO running fee, NO drink/good provided.
2. Remember to sign in when you arrive, so we know how many of you will be staying for the bash and down-down when you return!
請記得簽名報到,並於報到時告知是否參加 bash + down-down。
3. You can leave your things in the bash place. Please remember to keep any valuables with you, we are not responsible for their safekeeping. 餐廳可提供包包寄放,但貴重物品請自行攜帶,我們不負保
4. If you don't plan to stay for the bash and down-down, you can still buy beer for yourself from the bash place.
未勾選參加bash + down-down 者,跑完後仍可自行向店家購買啤酒飲料。
5. The bash will start when most of the Hashers have returned. Down-down will take place during the bash. People bashing will split the cost of food and beer consumed at the bash
Bash 將在大多 hasher 都已完跑後開始,down-down 將在 bash 中進行。參加bash + down-down 者,須共同平均分擔所有酒水餐飲費用。
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